Clement Chong

Web Developer





Serdang, Malaysia


Driving License (D)


DropHub (Under Development)

DropHub is an innovative ecommerce platform that revolutionizes the traditional online shopping experience through the concept of "group buying" or "collective buying." The platform tackles the common issue faced by consumers who lack the purchasing power to buy products in bulk by creating a collaborative environment.

FE Repo BE Repo


This is project is created to demonstrate the integration of backend and frontend for learning purposes. Implemented RESTful API & stripe API to mock payments.

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Next-Job Portal

Created an online job portal for only posting jobs with PocketBase API as the backend server. Implemented CRUD function to keep information of the website updated.

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Cypto Exchange Rate Generator

Crypto Exchange Rate Generator is a web-based application designed to provide real-time exchange rates for various cryptocurrencies from different cryptocurrency exchanges platform like Binance and Luno.

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Email Automator

Ultized nodeMailer.js API to automate email reply upon receiving email in the respective email inbox.

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