Clement Chong

Web Developer





Serdang, Malaysia


Driving License (D)

About Me

Hey ! My name is Clement Chong, a human resource personnel turned web developer with knack of solving problems using my knowledge in writing codes. I'm a graduate from NEXT Academy with a Quantum Degree in Full Stack Web Development. Im passionate in both frontend and backend web development.

When i'm off from my computer, I enjoy badminton, camping and gaming. So don't forget about me, when you have such activity going on and I won't be missed.

What I'm Doing

Web Development

Joined Full-Stack Web Development at NEXT Academy. It is a 10 week intensive bootcamp that prepares you to be a job ready web developer.

  • Built 5 web application in a span of 10 weeks
  • Mentored a classmate after the bootcamp
  • Helped a classmate to build a project (DropHub)

Skills & Tools

The skills, tools and technologies I use to bring your products to life:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind
  • Javascript
  • Svelte
  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • Postgresql
  • Git